Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Focus: Brian Williams

So, I pretty much LOVE Brian Williams.

Much like other women squeal with joy when they come across a movie with Matthew McConaughey, or a football game with Tom Brady, I do a double take when I happen upon a newscast featuring Brian Williams. He is my main Nightly News man.

I love his poise, I love his reporting, I love his awful side-part (He probably maintains that part even while he bathes) and I love the way he out-funnies John Stewart and Steven Colbert. I have visions of the children we would have: three little boys, all running around in miniature suits, with perfect articulation and the savant ability to read from a teleprompter (we would have several teleprompters in our home). They would emerge from the womb with a natural side part, and never, EVER stutter.

I mostly love him because I think he is playing a great big trick on everyone.  He is HILARIOUS, but plays it cool for all the squares who like their Nightly News served to them in a more serious tone.  I, however, am not fooled. With credits on such shows as The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, SNL, and Jimmy Fallon he has a pretty impressive comedy resume.  He mostly just makes fun of reporting, and I love nothing more than a (news) man who can laugh at himself.

Also, he has a blog.  A BLOG! Here it is!

I would put a photograph of Mr. Brian Williams on this blog, but I don't know a ton about copy right laws so I'm nervous to just pluck one off the internet and post it here.  Don't worry; though: I created his likeness in a free paint document I found online.

Do you see the side part?

Thanks Brian.
You're a riot.


Beth said...

Have you seen this clip?

Easily Amuse-bouched said...

Oh. My. God.

I have never had anyone so clearly put into words my exact feelings about Brian Williams before.

He is so unbelievably DREAMY.

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