Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: I Resolute to...

Per usual, I am resoluting to blog more often.  I want to try and highlight a different person each Friday.  It may be a famous person, it may be an infamous person, or it may be just someone I know.  It will depend on how I'm feeling and who is peaking my interest on that particular day.

I'm also resoluting to... run a half marathon.  I've (crazily?) signed up to run the Shamrockn' Half Marathon in Sacramento on March 13th.  If you think that a non-runner would be silly to sign up for such a race with no training, you'd be right.  I signed up for a training group that meets Sundays and Wednesdays, and I've been running on my own trying to build up my own stamina.  I've even gone so far as to purchase special running shoes, arch supports, AND socks.  That's right: I bought two pairs of $8.00 socks, and a man at Fleet Feet assured me that I am actually a size 11 in a running shoe because my feet are supposed to swell when I run my extreme distances that I plan on running.  Well, OK shoe guy.  We shall see...we shall see.

Also, I'd like to the word "resolute" to be a verb.

OK, 2011, let's go.


Unknown said...

Rob - If I can run a half marathon then you DEFINITELY can. You are about 20 times more athletic than I am.

Caleb and Jessica Sainsbury said...

You can do it! And, yes, your feet can swell. I learned that the hard way. Half way through my first half marathon one of my feet went numb and I had to take off my shoe and run barefoot for a while. I complained to the shoe people and they told me to get bigger shoes- problem solved.

Teacher said...

You two! All the Jessica's in my life are so supportive :) I'm going to try my darnedest, that's for sure. I'll keep you posted.

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