Thursday, January 6, 2011

Adsense and Fart Noises

I now have ads on my blog.  Google Adsense determines which ads to place on my page based on the content of my posts.  I know it's not an exact science, but I'm sure they use some sort of program that picks up on frequently used words and chooses the ads based off of those.  As I glanced over the ads on my side bar today, I noticed something funny:

Online School, Grades K-12 (because I work in education!)
Sacramento Coupons (because I live in Sacramento!)
Teacher Certification (because I'm a teacher!)
Best Friend Quotes (because I have friends!)
Fart Noises (because I far-- wait? WHAT?)


I have no idea WHAT I have been writing to make Google Adsense think that I have readers that are interested in locating artificial fart noises, but if that sounds like something you are looking for (and Google seems to think you are) you're welcome!

*****POST EDIT******
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  After adding this post about the fart noises ad the ads changed again to include Fart Sounds, and POOP NOISES.  This is awesome.

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