Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fish On

In the Sierra Nevadas there is a town called Sierra City.  In this town there is a "resort" called Harringtons.  In this "resort" there is a small cement pond.  In this pond there are 1,000,000 over-fed trout stuffed to near explosion with dog food-ish pellets that are sold out of a candy machine right next to the cement pond.  Here's how that went:

My hand extended to feed the vicious beasts

Quickly, I pulled my arm back.  Lee gripped my shirt for additional safety.

This angle nicely features the dog food dispenser

Piranhas (ie: Dog food-fed trout)

The best part of this sign is the last line. "CAUTION: Raw trout may be harmful to dogs."
What if the trout is brimming with dog food?

Inside the restaurant I looked over the menu and saw that Harrington's was serving "trout from our very own pond!"  

I chose the steak.

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