Sunday, November 7, 2010

Better Late Than Never: Suspects Dinner Theater

I have been SLACKING on the blogging lately.  So here is my pseudo-effort on catching up on some things:

We went to Suspects Dinner Murder Mystery Theater on the Delta King in Old Town Sacramento.  The premise is this: you go down into the hull of the boat and have dinner in a theater with 120 other people.  Suddenly....a MURDER occurs, and you have to spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out who amongst you is the murderer or next suspect, as the actors are posing as normal folk.  IT WAS SO FREAKING FUN! Plus, it was my birthday present from Lee (which had to be postponed a few times) so it was double exciting.

 Our super cute room

 and the view

 Lee's eating my face?

 A suspect?

 Oh, yep, he got shot.

 This guy was the MC

 He and Lee were good buds

 And in an awesome turn of events...
 I was a suspect!
(Dream come true)

 Everyone was a good sport about letting me take their pictures

 Even Lee.

And in the morning, we we opted for the all you can eat brunch and bottomless mimosas.

I wish I lived on that boat.

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